1. What does Andy Harris / JFYP Studio offer a wedding couple? 

I believe in my skills and experience that will help make make your wedding special.  I concentrate on giving the best attention and service possible and will do my best to achieve a great friendly wedding and to give you the wedding that you want – just for you! I am always looking at ways to give quality and value offerings whether for weddings or any other photography that I do whether event, studio etc. For weddings I am always evolving my skills and approach to make the next wedding the best I will have done yet…!

2. What else do you do apart from weddings? 

JFYP Studio / Andy Harris can cover more or less any type of photography that you need, whether studio portraiture, event, wedding, party etc.  I, Andy Harris, has over 30 years experience of photography of many kinds, and has been fully active in wedding photography for over 12 years.  I also has great knowledge, skill and experience in photo editing techniques using various of the best software packages.  JFYP Studio also offers training in photography, studio and various photo software and camera techniques and keeps up to date with the technology and software changes enabling Andy/JFYP to give you the best solutions.

3. Do you have a studio where we can meet to view and discuss your work. 

The studio (JFYP Studio) is located in Rotherham and you are more than welcome to visit and inspect. I can show you a wide range of previous wedding images. Please contact for an appointment as the hours at the studio are not fixed as photographic commitments can take place on any day. I can also come to your home for a wedding consultation.

4. When do we get to see our wedding images? 

A first selection of your wedding images are usually online within 3-4 days of your wedding!  These are available to view on our online protected viewing gallery (which can be properly password protected) to protect you and just as importantly your guests. The full wedding will be on the website within 21 days. Any prints you request will normally be supplied within 7 days of asking/ordering.

5. We don’t like having our picture taken.

99% of people come up with that line and this is one of the reasons I include a FREE pre-wedding shoot with all the packages. This gives me the chance to meet and gives you the chance to get a little more used to having your photo taken before your wedding, so on the day the photography should be the least of your worries. I put a lot of effort in building that rapport with you (and your guests on the wedding day) to ensure when taking your photos, we get the best result possible.

6. Will you travel outside of South Yorkshire? 

Happy to consider weddings in any location.  Of course for significant distances it will be necessary to add expenses for travel (and perhaps accommodation) costs.

7. How do we pay for our wedding?

On accepting the quote for your wedding, a £75 non-refundable deposit secures the date, and the balance becomes due no later than 2 weeks before the wedding.  If you attend the studio for payment, I can process this through a card, but will also take Internet Banking payments / PayPal remotely.

8. How experienced are you? 

I have well over 30 years experience of all manner of photography, and have been active in digital wedding photography since 2007 – effectively taking that on when digital photography became the norm.  I have since done many many weddings and have some great testimonials from the couples concerned. I would hope the photos you see speak for themselves.

9. What type of equipment do you use?

Whilst not overly relevant to the shoot or the quality, I have a pool of 4 Digital SLRs – 2 Nikon and 2 Canon ones with interchangeable lenses to cover all the lighting situations the wedding day might throw up.

10. Why should I choose Andy Harris / JFYP Studio for my wedding?

I would hope that having met me and seen my work, you will feel confident that you getting a great quality product and service at a great value price. I am happy and open to any feedback, questions and criticisms… my aim is to make your day special. And I love sharing the special day with you, and I hope that shows through too.

11. Why don’t you negotiate on price, everyone does these days?

The simple answer is I think my prices are well pitched to offer great quality and great value for a wedding shoot. There are many wedding photographers out there now willing to go in at any price to secure the business and that is fine, but I am not one of them. At the end of the day wedding pictures are the ONLY real keepsake from a wedding, the part that lives long after the wedding and is a part of the family treasure chest that can be reviewed time and time again. In discussions with people over the last 15 years, photography (or rather the cost of the photography) has been a gradually diminishing priority in weddings which I think is a real shame. Please give it the priority it needs, it should certainly be worth more than the incidentals that add up to far more. There is no great formula about photography costs for a wedding but if the average wedding is now almost £32,000 (Hitched Survey 2019) then maybe trying to spend less than £750 for a photographer is somewhat cheeky or undervaluing what you want out of it… According to that same survey the average spend on a wedding photographer was just over £1,525 (less than 4% of wedding cost)… I think I’m good at my prices. And my prices are very clear – all inclusive packages and I’m not afraid to publish them for all to see – happy to be fully transparent.

Thank you for reading! Anything I’ve not mentioned – please ask.